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Rest easy knowing your financial affairs are in order.

Why wait to organize critical documents
for your next of kin in the case of your passing
or incapacity?


Join others on this 30-day challenge
where we support one another and
assemble our own Next of Kin or NokBox. 

Register Today and Save $50 with code NokBox50

“I can’t believe we didn’t take
care of it earlier.”

We got news last May that a close friend in her 70s had an aggressive form of cancer. In June, treatment was going well though the prognosis was not good. In early July, we met with her and her husband on the front stoop of their row house where she expressed concern about her husband's welfare. Two weeks later, she started an experimental treatment, and two weeks after that went into cardiac arrest and died in intensive care on the last day of July. 

When asked if they had end-of-life documents in place, her husband said, "No. We just never got around to it, sadly. It won't bring her back but not having them added so much to an already stressful situation. I can't believe we didn't take care of it earlier." 

This story is true and too common. 

Couple on boat

It’s also avoidable. 

We know rationally that death can come at any time.


We also know that managing our affairs will most likely fall on the shoulders of our loved ones.


Yet...few of us want to think or talk about what happens after we're gone. We put it off because it's uncomfortable, never the right time, or we don't know what to do, among other reasons. 

“Estate planning is an important and everlasting gift you can give your family. And setting up a smooth inheritance isn’t as hard as you might think.” — Suze Orman.

Estate planning is an act of love.

Living will and trust

The series of workshops were so helpful, not just with the mechanics of identifying, labeling, and filing important paperwork, but also in dealing with the emotions that arise in considering money and inheritance issues. 
- Challenge participant

It was a Friday night when we got the call. It was my little sister. Her voice was cracking. Given the odd timing and the sound of her voice, I knew it was bad news. Indeed. She was bearing news no family member wants to hear -- my nephew, age 29, had been in a terrible car accident that morning and was on life support. 

After a long weekend of not knowing, it became clear that he wouldn't make it. Fortunately, he had specified on his license that he wanted his organs donated, and the care and support the family had were exceptional. Unfortunately, gaining access to his computer and phone was not so easy. 

Cindy Morgan-Jaffe’s 30 day NOK BOX challenge was hugely helpful to someone who needed to be more organized about the future. The NOKBOX is a great tool for ensuring that our children will have structured helpful information as they deal with what we leave behind.


A real bonus was working with another workshop participant who was very helpful and encouraging and made our shared journeys through the workshop tasks very pleasant; I looked forward to our weekly sessions. I highly recommend this very positive approach to a most important responsibility. My family appreciates the NOKBOX and Cindy’s training as a gift to them.

-- Anita P.

You can never know but you can prepare. 


Positive Money is a philosophy for living in relationship with money

that feels good and delivers positive results.


Though we might not know when we or a loved one will pass, we can take action today to give ourselves and our loved ones the gift of support for the inevitable. Positive Money principles can help with navigating uncomfortable feelings that may come up or resistance to the work. This is why it was created and why Cindy Morgan-Jaffe offers live and video support throughout the challenge. and why...

  1. We organized this challenge so you can have the support you need.

  2. You get $50 off the price if you register before March 15th.

  3. You'll feel so much better when you commit and take action. 

Join us today and save $50 off the price
of $197 to attend.
Use code NokBox50


What is a "Nokbox"?

A simple system designed to ease the invitable. 


The Next of Kin or NokBox was created by a mother, teacher, real estate agent, and mom from Colorado who was called along with her brothers to New York to take care of their father's estate after he died. "We not only had to notify his loved ones, plan a funeral, and write an obituary; we had to figure out what to do with all of his possessions and open up his estate with the local probate court. We had no idea how to do any of this!"


"I was introduced to the NokBox through the Toler Financial Group. They and I were so taken by the quality of the product that we encouraged others to use it. -- Cindy Morgan-Jaffe


Note: The Positive Money Club is an affiliate of the company and appreciates your purchase of NokBox products through our link. 

Cindy Morgan-Jaffe
Cindy signature

Join us today and save $50 off the price
of $197 to attend.
Use code NokBox50


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