Start 2024 with clarity, focus, and
confidence in your financial life.
“My partner and I disagree on financial priorities.”
“I love being a coach but am terrible at sales.”
“I get easily overwhelmed in financial conversations.”
No matter your financial status, your relationship with money matters. Yes, many factors are out of our control and can feel unfair or out of reach. However, you do have choices and can benefit from exercising them when you're clear about the impact you're going for.
That IMPACT might be...
Less stress and more confidence in your financial life.
Clarity on financial priorities.
Ability to set and maintain financial boundaries.
Strategies for managing daily financial challenges and opportunities.
A framework for thinking about my relationship with money and what I want that relationship to feel and look like.

You’re worth it.
Living a rich life thrives on intention.
Understanding what makes life rich for you takes insight.
Insight starts with curiosity and non-judgment.
Positive Money is a philosophy for living
in relationship with money that feels good
and delivers positive results.
It was a Friday night when we got the call. It was my little sister. Her voice was cracking. Given the odd timing and the sound of her voice, I knew it was bad news. Indeed. She was bearing news no family member wants to hear -- my nephew, age 29, had been in a terrible car accident that morning and was on life support.
After a long weekend of not knowing, it became clear that he wouldn't make it. Fortunately, he had specified on his license that he wanted his organs donated, and the care and support the family had were exceptional. Unfortunately, gaining access to his computer and phone was not so easy.
You can never know but you can prepare.

This is why...
We organized this event so you can know what you need for your next of kin when you pass.
We invited the Toler Financial Group to answer your questions.
You'll earn a special gift by simply attending the event.
You'll learn about a product and an opportunity to assemble your important documents in the new year that will motivate you to get er' done as my sister says.
You'll feel so much better when you commit and take action.

Join the Positive Money Cleanse Hosted by
Money Relationship Expert and Coach
Cindy Morgan-Jaffe