Get Your Financial Affairs in Order
for Your Next of Kin in 8 Weeks
or Less - Guaranteed!
Wake up feeling confident and secure trusting
that your finances are in order and your loved ones
have what they need when they need it most.
The Positive Money Blueprint for Organizing Your Financial Affairs
is a step-by-step small group program for gathering, storing, and protecting critical information your loved ones need in 8 weeks or less.
“I can’t believe we didn’t take
care of it earlier.”
We got news in May that a close friend in her 70s had an aggressive form of cancer. In June, treatment was going well though the prognosis was not good. In early July, we met with her and her husband on the front stoop of their row house where she expressed concern about her husband's welfare. Two weeks later, she started an experimental treatment, and two weeks after that went into cardiac arrest and died in intensive care on the last day of July.
When asked if they had end-of-life documents in place, her husband said, "No. We just never got around to it, sadly. It won't bring her back but not having them added so much to an already stressful situation. I can't believe we didn't take care of it earlier."
This story is true and way too common.
It’s also avoidable.
We know rationally that death or an emergency
can happen at any time.
"The actual work of pulling together a next of kin box isn't that hard, but the mental energy and our own values around money can truly impact how we do this work. If you need a little push to help you with this important work of preparing your documents, do this course.
Ultimately, it's a gift to your loved ones and friends once you pass on. " Course Participant
"The process was so helpful, not just with the mechanics of identifying, labeling and filing important paperwork, but also in dealing with the emotions that arise in considering money and inheritance issues." Course Participant
The Positive Money Blueprint for Organizing
Your Financial Affairs is a step-by-step small group coaching program where you are supported by your coach, others
on the same journey, and with practical tools
and guidance to complete the task in 8 weeks or less.
News no family wants to get.
It was a Friday night when we got the call. It was my little sister. Her voice was cracking. Given the odd timing and the sound of her voice, I knew it was bad news. Indeed. She was bearing news no family member wanted to hear -- my nephew, age 29, had been in a terrible car accident that morning and was on life support.
After a long weekend of not knowing, it became clear that he wouldn't make it. Fortunately, he had specified on his license that he wanted his organs donated, and the care and support of the family had been exceptional. Unfortunately, gaining access to his computer and phone cost the family precious time, money, and emotional stress on top of grieving the loss of their child.
You can never know but you can prepare.
Positive Money principles and practices
help you take care of your money
so it can take care of you.
Though we might not know when we or a loved one will pass, we can take action today to give ourselves and our loved ones the gift of support for the inevitable.
This is why we’re giving you the time and support you deserve (and can use) for organizing your financial affairs because you...
Have thought about doing this project but it falls to the bottom of the to-do list because it feels overwhelming and time-consuming.
Have a few documents like a power of attorney or health care directive filed somewhere but your will is outdated and your web of accounts on and offline are not managed by you.
You've been meaning to meet with an estate lawyer but just haven't made a priority.
Set your goal and timeline
Clarify your team
Organize a system that works for you
Prepare your documents
Engage others
That you can do on your own time.
So you feel...
Confident in what you need and where to go for support.
Relieved that you have taken care of something you knew you wanted and needed to do and,
Clear about next steps.
The "Get Your Financial Affairs in Order"
is a step-by-step Positive Money course that includes all you need to get your financial affairs in order in a timely and effective way and in the spirit of Positive Money.
My Story
The saying goes that we create for others what we wish we had for ourselves. That is certainly the case here. As much as I love to organize and know things are in order, I resisted doing this task for many of the reasons listed above.
It wasn't until I set the goal and made the Positive Money choice to focus on financial security that I learned about The NokBox® through the Toler Financial Group. The "Next of Kin" box* is a fire-safe box with worksheets and file folders that make it easy to organize. *Though I highly recommend this resource, it's NOT necessary or a requirement for this course or for completing this task.
A few things I learned from my experience
and from working with others...
Resistance has far more to do with mindset than with capacity.
Build the practice around a habit (like coffee in the am).
Positive Money principles and practices were essential.
Your Story
You might be wondering why you haven't gotten around to organizing your financial affairs given the wealth of free guidance and material about estate planning on and offline.
I wondered the same thing until I realized
I needed something more.😒
When we face our fears, get curious about what stops us, and invest in something we know will pay itself forward,
we not only protect ourselves financially but we also...
Make Positive Money moves.
Take action that feels positive and
leads to positive results.
Become a role model for others.
The "Get Your Financial Affairs in Order"
is a step-by-step Positive Money course that includes all you need to get your financial affairs in order in a timely and effective way and in the spirit of Positive Money.
Invest today in your financial security for only $1497 and get the following immediately upon purchase:
✅ Introductory video about Positive Money and how the principles and practices will help you succeed.
✅ A robust 25-page course guide that includes a checklist of documents to be included and stored in a safe and secure place.
✅ A five-step (S.C.O.P.E.) process for guiding the project.
✅ .
✅ Guidance and resources from experts on estate planning.
✅ Access to live coaching calls to work through resistance or fear.
Sleep better at night knowing that making
this Positive Money move today will
help you sleep better tomorrow.